Thursday, August 19, 2010

Everything Is Spiritual

Tonight at small group we watched a video by Rob Bell. Bell is the pastor of Mars Hill church in Michigan and a well known author and speaker. He's probably known best for his book Velvet Elvis. I love the concept behind this book (even though I've only read a little bit of it) which proffers the notion that the Christian faith must constantly be re-examined and refined. This has been known to ruffle the feathers of traditional conservatives but in my opinion he's right on and would even get a heart "Amen" from Mr. Martin Luther.

Anywhoo, the video we watched tonight was titled "Everything is Spiritual". It is quite an impressive talk that focuses around the creation story found in Genesis. After spending a majority of the time talking about the complexity of the physical world around us (which, as a bachelor of physics, I can say he does a pretty good job), he moves into his main point which is that...well...everything is spiritual. While I agree with this point, I was a little disappointed he didn't spend much time explaining the thesis of his talk. But, I enjoyed the whole thing so much I don't care all that much. It's definitely worth watching if you have a spare hour and twenty minutes. I'll even provide you with a link.

One point that I especially liked was the bit about how an observer in two-dimensions sees a three-dimensional object. I'm won't begin to recap this because I won't come close to saying as well as he does. You can find this bit in the video around the 33:20 mark. His implications are purely speculative, but I love them. Anyway, enjoy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rob Bell is awesome!! I'm in the middle of reading his book called Sex God. Ever read it?


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