Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Itzhak Perlman

For the second time in my life tonight, I got to see Itzhak Perlman play the violin.

I hate to use the word "play". I play the violin. Lots of people play the violin. What Perlman does is completely different. It's as if the violin is a natural extension of his body. The firm gentleness he plays with comes from more than just years of rigorous practice. It comes from being connected to the instrument in a way that only violinists know. It comes from deeply understanding each and every piece that he plays. It comes from a God-given passion and ability. And, of course, it comes from years of rigorous practice.

I could go on and on about his technique, especially his bowing hand, but I realize no one wants to hear about that. What most people love about Itzhak is his demeanor. He is extremely passionate about the music he plays, but he also doesn't take himself too seriously. Most violinists I have seen (cough, Joshua Bell, cough) act extremely professional on stage. A little too professional. And far too serious. It's music, not a business proposal! Jokes in between songs are acceptable. It won't take away from the depth of the music.

A few years back, I made a note to myself. It read,

"The Two Rules of Life

1. Remember that what we do with our lives is of the utmost importance.

2. Don't take yourself too seriously."

Paradoxical? Almost, but not quite. It just requires some thinking.

Anyway, back to Perlman. If you EVER get the chance to see him live, DO IT. Even non-violinists can appreciate his playing...er, music making. He's quite the performer and entertaining to watch even if you don't know who Fritz Kriesler is.

I'll leave you with this video, but don't think for a minute that it does him any justice.

1 comment:

  1. I, also, live by two rules of life:

    1. Always keep your mouth shut.

    2. Never rat on your friends.

    It's gotten me pretty far.


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