Monday, March 10, 2008

Book Review

As many of you know, I am a huge fan of Andrew Peterson's music. More specifically, I am a huge fan of his song writing. I have known for while that Andrew has been writing a fantasy book. Well, it's finally done! The book releases next Tuesday (March 18).

So why the early notice? Well, it just so happens that I signed up to be part of a Blog Tour. Basically, a bunch of people get an early copy of the book in order to read it and write a review of the book on their blog! Said review will be posted early to middle of next week (probably on Wednesday).

And now for the coolest part: I get to give two free copies of the book away! That's right, two lucky blog readers will get a free copy of On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson! So how can you win this book? Well, I'm not sure yet, but it will probably be a trivia challenge of sorts. Check back later for details.

Anyway, I just wanted to give everyone the heads up on this opportunity.

Thanks for reading,



  1. How about, if you are the first to leave a comment about this entry, you get the book.
    Sounds fair enough to me...
    Seriously, let me know how I can win!


Please feel free to leave your thoughts. I will try to respond to them.